Baron Bliss Light, Belize
Would it be wonderful to have a lighthouse that was built in your honor? Fort George or more famously known as Baron Bliss lighthouse was built and named in remembrance of Baron Bliss, a Philanthropist from England. At age 42, he became paralyzed and was unable to walk. He then acquired a yacht called the "Sea King" and fished around the area. When he got sick at age 57, he invited the local governor aboard his yacht and told him that he intended to give his fortune to the nation of Belize, because he was impressed with the people's warm hospitality. When he died in March 1926, he wished on his will to be buried in a granite tomb near the sea, enclosed with an iron fence, and with a lighthouse built nearby. His wish was granted. So this monument was built as a welcoming beacon and a memorial to a "man who deeply loved the sea and demonstrated great caring for those who showed him kindness and hospitality in his last days." Belize...