Howth Lighthouse, Dublin Ireland

Dublin, Ireland, was one of those spontaneous trips I've had.

I tell you why.  This was my 49th birthday trip.  I've been planning to go somewhere, a short trip to celebrate an equally important year before I turn 50.  My bag was packed for an overnight, but not specifically to Dublin. 

After having a nice dinner sponsored by my kids, I headed back to the airport to catch a flight to Jacksonville.  I lost track of time spending it with them, so I missed the flight.  Hence, my spontaneous decision to go to Dublin happened.  My fate brought me here.  Thanks for the comfortable Delta One seat.  It was an easy decision for me to pursue this travel. It was a good birthday treat.

Most of the time, I do hop on and off bus tours to maximize my trip.  I did it this time again.  The bus took us to this town called "Howth" in the countryside. It is a small fishing village located in the outer suburb of Dublin. 

I spotted the lighthouse on my walk around the area.  It is situated in a prominent position at the harbor entrance.  I  was actually surprised and ecstatic upon seeing her. 

The lighthouse was completed in January 1818, but it was not lit due to red tape. Eventually, it was lit on July 1, 1818. Through the years, they questioned whether the lighthouse needed to be lit at all.  They thought that somehow the lighthouse was still useful as a harbor of refuge in emergencies, so they kept her lit with outdated technology.

With the modernization of Howth Harbour, they constructed a small tower and powerful light. Howth lighthouse became insignificant.  However, they retained the lighthouse in its original structure but kept it unlit.

I traveled to Dublin hoping to see a lighthouse. I enjoyed the scenic view of the cliffs and the bay.  I had a nice walk on the harbor and had a breath of Dublin's crisp air. I had a bite of fresh fish and chips at the Crabby Jo's.  And I stepped inside the walls of the Howth Caste. 

I wish I had a closer look at the Howth Lighthouse. Nevertheless, all these experiences put together is the sum of my surprised encounter with this medieval lighthouse. 

My Ireland trip on my 49th birthday was significant to setting up my goal of exploring 50 lighthouses and 50 countries before my 50th birthday.  It preempted my desire to challenge myself. 

We don't stop setting goals. We work hard, and we try to achieve them.  That's what I am doing. 
